Ass torture session

Cunt is feeling its slave status from walking around naked all day, horny and knowing that Master put the chastity device in the mail which will place cunt in a life of painfully frustrated erection attempts and no more access to the slave cock. This evening might have been cunt's last session with its cock "free".

Cunt's cunt is continuously used by its Master, this evening cunt was placed on its spiked pleasure bench impaled on the bulbous Rocket plug. The black clamps hurting its teats. Slow edging to keep it near orgasm and cunt could feel its prostate pulsate hornily against the plug while feeling the pain of the spikes. After a while Master had it get up and re-planted it on its bench so cunt got to enjoy the renewed severe pain in its ass. Whorishly moving its ass on the spikes of the bench, intensifying the pain further, maximizing the after effects of a sore ass and awareness that its ass has been tortured for Master's pleasure. Feeling the plug move inside its cunt as it did so, feeling the humiliating mix of pleasure, intimate stimulation and pain.

Cunt currently feels its horny ass glow painfully and its cunt is very horny. Cunt will have to learn to focus on that kind of horniness more and more, as with its cock locked up very soon it will be the primary way for cunt to experience sexual pleasure...
