Chastity and surrender
The past days cunt has been thinking quite a bit about a life in chastity. On some level it can imagine the denial, suffering straining and frustrated erection attempts, the loss of control and the inferiority feelings. But on another level it can also imagine the peace of mind of no longer having that control, the further commitment to its slavery, and the pride to live its life that way for its Master. Displayed like that to others as His clearly owned property, controlled, needing to serve, always horny and willing.
Feelings that are horny but come from a deeper place of slavery feelings; cunt can feel that more clearly at times when it is going through some turmoil and feels less usable in the form of intense sessions. It is part of the surrender as a slave: presenting itself fully and honestly, even though cunt may want to present itself differently. But as a slave it is not about what the slave wants. It is about presenting itself fully, in surrender, for its Master to decide if and how He chooses to make use of His property.
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