Ongoing sense of ownership
Master owns this slave, and as such, He determines how it spends its time, and on many weekday evenings the slave is being trained into a horny pig, a slut, a whore, or used for torture, for fun. Today it could feel the effects of yesterday's session, e.g. a horny cunt and sensitive teats from having been clamped. And from the suction cups this morning.
This ownership continues when the slave is not feeling fit or well enough for a session or a loanout, like this evening. It is something that it feels ever more fundamentally, that even when the slave reports this to its Master, that it is still its Master that gives it the space it needs, rather than the slave "canceling" a session, like one would report sick at work. Even though the outcome is the same, there is a difference. And maintaining that sense of being owned, remaining under control, gives a certain warm submissive feeling that makes the slave want to be humble in its status report to pay respect to that ownership.
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