Vulnerability and feelings of humiliation

The feelings surrounding its slavery have been varying a bit the over the past days. From feelings of humiliation to the thrilling feeling of being low in status, and feeling honored to serve, and today back to everything feeling just a bit more humiliating again.

From the feeling of the ball weight pulling and swinging on its balls when getting up in the morning with a stiff cock that is not its own, to the stretchy/tingly feeling in its teats from the suction cups and no control over the reality of them being enlarged, to being loaned out or displayed on cam and being seen as nothing more than a play toy for all such things, a low status reality that is creating shivers.

And the nagging horniness, and the "vulnerable" feeling it creates of having no control and being open for business, full of frustrated desire. That vulnerable tension it can there was a moment when it was standing with its back to a door, and heard it close because someone entered behind it, and it had a flash of a fantasy that this person -- whoever it was -- would come up behind it and would grab its teats under its shirt and that this pig would have to let them do that, would have to give them full access to whatever they wanted, and would feel that it does not have rights to its own body. Horny and vulnerable in that sense, longing for it it and being humiliated by it.
