Ball weight experience

The beast was not able to present itself for training this evening so a relatively uneventful day in terms of its slavery. Just another day of horniness for the slave, with horny sensitive teats, and with a slight case of blue balls from yesterday's stimulation. Feeling submissive from the sexual frustration and the lack of freedom to do anything about that.

The pig's balls seem to have gotten used to the increase in weight by now. They still feel heavy, ofcourse, because the weight is heavy, but this level of heaviness, and the near constant slight dull pressure now feels like the new standard and no longer new. Incorporated into how the pig experiences and is made aware of its balls on a daily basis, as part of Master's control. And feeding into the self image of a beast with low hanging heavy balls.

A beast that woke up with a stiff cock this morning and is now going back to sleep again with a stiff cock.
