Thoughts about pain and being used

Last night in bed the pig was feeling horny, its erection wouldn't come down as the cock ring was firmly gripping it. This morning it woke up similarly horny and full of desire. Its balls still noticeably under pressure. Feeling submissive for being kept in this state. With a simple permission to play with its teats, Master can send it into a horny frenzy like the days leading up to New Year's Eve, and then He can decide to not give that permission and leave the pig waiting in horny frustration. Either way this slave feels Master's control of its sexuality.

One more day, and then it is back to work for this slave. The pig thinks tomorrow evening it will be spending some time with its dildo in its throat to prepare it for SIR's cock.

The slave has a lot of desire to be trained and shaped further, and to feel that it can be of use for the pleasure of Master and its users again (including a new user; Master will soon let him try out and inspect this slave to see if it can please him, and this slave is excited about that). Master wants to train this slave to become a pain pig, craving the pain. Its "desire" for pain is certainly not on that level yet, although it has seen with its training how it has come to crave torture of its teats (and writing this already gives them a horny tingle). The slave is curious to see how this develops further. But of course that also means a lot of pain and suffering to come for this slave, so naturally it feels somewhat nervous about that.

But this slave certainly also feels an ambition to be able to take more, to push its limits and give more of itself. Ultimately it doesn't really matter too much whether this slave enjoys the pain it is made to undergo or not. It takes it because it wants to please and provide the feeling that its Master and its users can do whatever they want to do with or to the slave. And the more this slave experiences that as a given, as something that goes without saying, the more real its slavery feels.
