More frustration and thoughts about nose ring

Today the pig was allowed to play with its teats again. It knew that meant more frustration. It feels so good for this pig to keep massaging and hurt its teats but it makes it so frustratingly horny too. And indeed, today the regular teat play made the pig so horny and very frustrated, got its groin to ache and put the pig's mind in a distracting horny haze. The slave knows when Master gives it permission to play with its teats it is because He expects it to get super horny. But in the evening it felt it was maybe better to stop most of the stimulation and let its body come down a bit. Master can nevertheless rest assured that the pig goes to bed with raw teats and in a deeply horny state.

The slave thought back to yesterday night when it was in a similar horny state as it went outside to watch the fireworks. Feeling its raw teats rub under its shirt. Feeling so submissive and controlled, too. So small. Submissive feelings that are horny but also intense. Being in the festive crowd in this state of mind, its thoughts went to the nose ring Master might have the pig wear at some point in the furture, something that has been going through its head ever since Master brought it up. Such a transformative and humiliating act of submission to wear such a visible token of its pig-ness and of being owned. What scares the pig most about it is not even that Master might make that decision about the pig's appearance somewhere in the future, but that it notices the powerful and deeply horny feelings of humiliation that have begun to develop about it. Which creates an inner conflict of fear and desire that can be very intense when it comes to the forefront every now and then, like yesterday. This and some other prospects Master put in this slave's head have a tendency to act like mental "weights" that can pull this slave down in its feelings of slavery. Even if they never happen they are hanging over its head and remind it what being owned and controlled can entail and -- to put it mildly -- that the life of a slave aspiring to that reality is not always easy.
