Thoughts on keeping its Master informed

This slave had a work obligation this evening and so was not available for use by its Master, but is also still not feeling fit and ready for its training. Nevertheless this slave's horniness is naturally rising with every day that passes without an orgasm. It woke up with a frustrating erection and tingling itching teats. Enjoying that horniness as a reminder of Master's control; even without the training sessions or the stimulation of a plug, the horniness reminds it that it is not in control of its sexuality.

On an emotional level it is noticing how it is sensitive to power dynamics; feeling those play out in subtle ways in its encounters with colleagues and clients at work, and feeling how those resonate with its own feelings of submission.

This slave looks forward to feeling well again and ready for further training. Master expects it to keep Him informed on its well being. There is a practical side to it where Master wants to know if and to what extent He can use his property responsibly. And there is a side to it where this slave needs to be open and transparent to its Master, not just because He requires that but also because this slave wants that, as part of its surrender. It can imagine a future in which that goes even further and this slave loses more and more of its privacy.

The informing can be a bit challenging at times. In times like these, just like when the plug is giving issues and there is a sore spot that only slowly goes away, it can weigh on this slave to have to "bring bad news" every day. But it is more important that Master has accurate information on which to base His decisions, than that this slave feels good about its updates.
