Slavery and acceptance

This slave was feeling better today but not well enough for a training session and instead needed some more time for itself. And so Master gave it that time, for which it is thankful.

Lately, but certainly also today, this slave is in a state of mind where it experiences its feelings of slavery with a certain subtlety and calmness. Just savoring how much its role as a slave has become a kind of a given, the "normalness" of it. This calmness/normalness may sound a bit "boring" to some, but it is actually filled with a lot of color, meaning and potential. It causes a certain self image, an image of itself as a slave. Not as a fun/horny game but as a reality. These feelings are more on an emotional level than on a sexual level, although there is certainly an interaction between the two. Longer running, subtle but profound humiliations such as Master calling it piglet all the time hook into that self image. But also following its behaviour rules that this slave almost doesn't have to think about anymore.

It is not that it is or feels like a slave constantly. I.e., it's not that that is all that it is now or that that is its only self image. It is more like that self image can be addressed at all times.

And then for instance when it gets loaned out, it enjoys the sessions themselves because it satisfies certain sexual needs, but at the same time the premisse of the loanout reinforces this feeling of not being in control, of not allowed personal boundaries or space, of having no say in the matter, of being owned. A feeling that this is its job, this is what it is for. And then on an emotional level it might not even matter much whether it is loaned out for sucking someone's cock or for cleaning their apartment because they don't feel like doing it.
