Plugged and submissive

Today this slave was still feeling pretty submissive. The plug keeping it very horny and its constant presence, horny stimulation and invasiveness is also triggering feelings and thoughts about Master's ownership and control of this slave's body. Random desires too, for instance it was having a beer and snacks at a cafe terrace this afternoon and a thought was popping up about what it would be like to be controlled in what it eats or drinks. Fantasies like this to give up ever more control keep coming up every now and then. What this slave has learned the past year is that there is a big difference between the fantasy and reality of some forms of control and that the reality can be more intense and invasive than the fantasy seems (with all kinds of practical implications too). But also more meaningful and satisfying as a result.

The pig's teats are tingling from the horniness and are aching for attention again. That can be frustrating. It is not that this pig just wants to play with them (although that would be horny). It is that the pig longs for them to be used and abused and to feel that sexual vulnerability of its body just being there for others to play with.
