Wearing SIRs slave chain to work?

Today this pig has been enjoying the plug in its cunt a lot. It slept with the plug which caused already a lot of horniness during the night and in the morning it was still feeling very horny. Sitting on the couch, feeling the plug cause glowing sensations made this pig body horny and sensitive, it activated the pig teats almost as if they were being played with. It was also frustrating but it had some time today to just give in and let these horny feelings wash over it. Maybe it's just this slave getting more horny with each day passing, but maybe it's also the prostate and the cunt more in general getting more sensitive.

Master also told this pig that it would be wearing the ball weight at least until Tuesday's visit to SIR, so that will be stimulating and pressing on the balls constantly for the next couple of days. What was a surprise is that Master also told the pig to start wearing SIRs chain around its neck already on Sunday evening. Does this mean He expects His slave to wear the chain to work on Monday and Tuesday? Although He did not say that explicitly, the implication has made this pig very nervous -- actually it causes feelings of worry and stress. The chain is large and heavy, clunky and noisy, doesn't hide well under clothes and can certainly not be mistaken for any kind of normal necklace. As a slave it is obviously not something it can or wants to refuse. This slave knows and respects that Master would not make such decisions lightly or without considering the consequences for His slave, so if Master really wants His slave to wear this chain to work then this slave will have to find a way to deal with it.


  1. The master has given the pig a nice assignment.
    I am curious if you are doing it or if there is extra punishment added to what you already know too well about your master.
    The Sir is curious if he will receive additional information for you

    The Sir

  2. Yes SIR, this pig will of course do the assignment, SIR. If it does not do it, this pig feels it will have a more serious problem with Master than getting punished, SIR.

  3. Oke pig a few days and than we have funn


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