More cock sucking training: swallowing deeper

Another day with the plug stimulating the pig cunt and another evening of cock sucking training, this time wearing the big plug. It is very satisfactory to notice progress in how deep the pig can take the dildo and how its gag reflex is lessening. Where yesterday it could just barely push the dildo beyond the back of its throat, this evening it was able to push it deeper, and with less pressure, half-swallowing the dildo as it were. It doesn't go all the way yet but there is definite progress. And less gagging when retracting the dildo.

Another thing that gets this pig to gag is when the dildo is hitting the back of its throat repeatedly, the top of the dildo moving against the uvula. With each repetition the gag reflex intensifies a little bit, so the pig was also practicing making many repetitions without gagging.

The pig can now really feel the effects of the training in the back of its throat, sensitive when swallowing because its throat has never had something firm repeatedly shoved so deep in there.

Below a picture of the new pink shirt that SIR ordered the pig to post. The pig will appear with this shirt and the slave chain before SIR next week.


  1. The shirt looks good pig.
    The sir is happy that you read his comments on your Blog I almost wanted to punish you because I did not get a response.
    And I must already punish you from your master.
    but then my punishment would have been over it.

    The Sir

  2. Yes SIR, apologies for not responding more often SIR. Even if it does not always respond this pig does take the comments very seriously SIR. This pig is glad SIR likes the new shirt and obviously hopes it can avoid giving cause for more punishment SIR.


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